Joseph Hellia Berinobis, also known as "J.B." and "Coach Pops," 80, a retired Matson Terminals senior superintendent of operations and Castle High School softball coach, died in Kailua. He was born in Kahaluu. He is survived by wife Juliana "Julie"; sons Jonathan, Joseph L. and Jason; daughters Joanna B. Cabalse and Josanna "Sani Girl" Berinobis; brothers Julian, Clifford, Tito, Samuel, Wade, Francis and Daniel Berinobis, and Joseph and Moris Pantastico; sisters Gladys Berinobis, Mililani D. Wallace, Jane Kihewa, Laverne Tangaro, Virginia Tamura and Diana Vandeloop; 17 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Visitation: 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary. Services at noon. Burial: 2 p.m. at the mortuary. Casual attire. Online condolences at:
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