Marguerite “Peggy’ Marie PatyMARGUERITE 'PEGGY' MARIE PATY
November 30,1921-
February 15, 2012
Born in Denver, Colorado Peggy moved with her parents George and Dorothy Kellerman to Honolulu at age 2. She graduated from Punahou in the class of '39 and then attended The University of Colorado. When the war broke out she left school to take a position with Continental Airlines rising to the position of Chief Hostess.
She married Bill Paty in Denver Colorado in September 1945.They returned home to the Islands where Bill accepted a position with Waialua Sugar Company. Plantation life was a great place to raise their family of five children. Peggy quickly became involved in the community with the Outdoor Circle, Girls Scouts and Waialua United Church of Christ.
Peggy's commitment to her community led to her interest in historic preservation. She spearheaded the effort to save the land at Kaiaka Bay from development as well as the preservation of The Waialua Courthouse. She was named 'Kamaaina of the Year' by the North Shore Chamber of Commerce. In 1993 she and her husband were recognized as 'Kamaaina of the Year' by the Historic Hawaii foundation. More recently Kaiaka Park was named The Bill and Peggy Paty Kaiaka Bay Beach Park.
As a member of the Junior league she participated in benefit shows at the Royal Hawaiian dancing center stage. Music made her happy and she was quick to pick up the ukelele and share a song with her many grandchildren.
In 2002 Peggy and Bill moved to Arcadia where she continued to encourage others, play the ukulele and keep track of her ever growing Ohana.
She is survived by her husband William 'Bill' Paty, sons Stephen (Chrissy), Randolph (Mary), William III (Christy) and daughters Marguerite (John, deceased) Wolter and Susan (Carter) Wurts, 13 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren, sister-in-law Jeanne Paty, brothers George 'Keoki' and James Kellerman.
Memorial service is Wednesday, March 7th, 5 pm visitation, 6 pm service at Punahou Thurston Chapel. Donations can be made to Waialua United Church of Christ, Waialua Community Association, Punahou School or a non profit organization of your choice.
Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased