MOODETTE LEIMOMI KELIIHOOMALU KAAPANAMOODETTE LEIMOMI KELIIHOOMALU KAAPANA Moodette, also known as Aunty Moody, died April 7 in Seattle. She was 60 years old. Born and raised in Kailua, 1972 graduate and class president of SHA. President of Hawaiian club. From age 10 to college she learned hula, lei and costume making, Hawaiian language and hula protocols from Kumu Hula Maiki Aiu Lake and Kumu Hula Mae Kamamalu Klein. She was a summer instructor for Hawaiian culture programs at Chaminade University. Hula was her passion. Graduate of Seattle University she taught hula to the university members for 10 years after graduating. She opened Pulamahia Hula Academy in 1989. She graduated in a traditional uniki ceremony June 1994 as a Kumu from Halau Hula Kulalehuaikaohu under the direction of Kumu Hula Mae Kamamalu Klein. As Halau Hula Pulamahiakalikolehua entered competitions, they continued to take top honors from 1984 in Kahiko, Auana and Hawaiian Language. She was a guest instructor of traditional and modern hula to Dance School students as part of a degree requirement for World Dance and Cultures at the University of Washington. Past President of the Wakinikona Hawaiian Club in Seattle. Also, Hawaiian music promoter. For 20 years she co-hosted Hawaii Radio Connection on KCBS 91-3 FM and KXPA 1540 AM with Executive Producer Stephen Gomes. Besides Hawaiian music, they shared the language, history, geography, and stories of Hawaii with their listeners around the world. She produced Hawaiian culture concerts and organized Hawaiian culture workshops in Seattle and Hawaii, and prepared participants for World Hula Conferences. She also provided hula demonstrations to local schools and organizations for their cultural diversity events, and offered workshops for Hawaiian artisans for the Northwest community. She was a program coordinator for the Annual Northwest Folklife Festival held at Seattle Center. She assisted in implementing the Hawaiian culture showcase at the festival for the past 22 years, and has continued to maintain the highly acclaimed performance showcase which remains an integral part of the festival. She was a Special Programs Billing Secretary-Transportation Department and Finance Technician; also the Chairperson of Professional Growth Fund Committee for the Highline School District. Survived by husband Douglas; daughter Kalehua; mother Evelyn Keliihoomalu; brother Moody III; sisters Cathy Keliihoomalu, Tracy Keliihoomalu and Jaydeen Keliihoomalu Robinson. Gathering at St. Anthony Church Kailua 930am, Memorial Mass 10am.
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