Jesus “Jose” “Noi” J. CanyeteJESUS JOSE NOI J. CANYETE Age 72, of Waipahu, HI, passed away May 7, 2015 in Waipahu. Born April 16, 1943 in Waipahu, HI. Jesus was a retired carpenter from the Carpenters Union - Local 745. He was a member of the 100# pound Ulua Fishing Club. He is survived by wife, Joan Canyete; daughters, Cheri (Ricky) Mina, Lena (Roy) Asato, Rochelle (Roger) Mateo, Cory (Brant) Porter, Jr., Joanelle (Richard) Cadelina; brother, Augustine Canita; 14 grandchildren; Maglangit Ohana. Visitation 9:30 a.m., Friday (July 10) at Mililani Mortuary Mauka Chapel. Memorial service 11:00 a.m. Casual attire. No flowers please.
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