WAYNE EARL COSTAWAYNE EARL COSTA, SR. November 17, 1943 - December 8, 2015 After a long battle, Wayne Earl Costa, Sr. passed away on December 8, 2015 at his home in Waianae. Wayne was born and raised in Kuliouou on his family's Waialae Nui Farm. Kuliouou was a tight-knit neighborhood and he considered his neighbors his extended family. At 19, he started Wayne's Dairy by purchasing 26 cows and milking them at his uncles Walter and Lawrence Carlos' Red Hill farm. At that time, Oahu had 50 small dairy farms. Over the next 40 years, Wayne's Dairy would relocate to Pupukea, Sunset Beach, Nanakuli and finally Lualualei Valley in Waianae. Wayne loved being a dairy farmer and Wayne's Dairy continued until he retired and made a last milk delivery on Dec. 25, 2002. By then, Wayne's Dairy had over 500 cows and was one of just two family owned dairy farms left on Oahu. He was a member of the 50th State Dairy Farmers Coop and served for many years on its Board of Directors. He was also a member of the Hawaii Farm Bureau, the Hawaii Cattleman's Association, the Pork Producers Coop and an original member of the Green Feed Cooperative. He was instrumental in writing the 1967 Hawaii Milk Control Act and worked on many political campaigns on behalf of Hawaii agriculture. He was most proud of his family, loved travelling and especially loved the San Francisco 49ers. He was famous for wearing 49er gear and attended many 49er games in San Francisco. He was so very happy to have recently attended two games with his entire family at the new Levi's Stadium. His grandfather owned racehorses in his youth and attending horseraces was another favorite pastime, especially at Hollywood Park and Golden Gate Fields in California. Wayne attended Star of the Sea School and St. Louis School. His father, Walter, and his four sons, Buddy (Roxanne) '85, Wayne '88, Thayne (Mandy) '90 and Dwayne (Selena) '94, also attended St. Louis. He has one daughter, Shantel (Scott) Burns a 1982 graduate of St. Francis School. In addition to his five children, his best friend and wife, Donna Mae, and 10 grandchildren, Travis, Shelby Burns, Jared (Ashley) Young, Cody, Spenser Burns, TJ "Thayne", Buddy, Hailey, Chloe and Theisen Wright and great granddaughter, Eliiana Young, survive him. His sister Gwendolynn Akau and his brother Dr. Bruce (Elaine) Costa of Utah also survive him. He was pre-deceased by his parents Walter and Hilda, and his beloved sister, Barbara "Peachie" Quitan. Two nieces, seven nephews and numerous aunties and cousins also survive him. He was a long time member of St. Rita Catholic Church-Nanakuli. A celebration of his life will be held at St. Rita, 89-318 Farrington Highway, on Saturday, January 9, 2016. Visitation 8:30-10:00 a.m., eulogy at 10:00 and Mass at 10:30. Lunch will follow at 12:00 at St. Rita. In lieu of flowers or monetary gifts, please consider donations in his name to Shriner's Hospital for Children - Honolulu, 1310 Punahou Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826.
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