Nelson J. Pomai PuailihauNELSON J. POMAI PUAILIHAU Age 82, of Honolulu, passed away March 29, 2016 in Honolulu. Born Sept. 26, 1933 in Kaluaaha, Molokai. Formerly with American Electric Company as a Utility Worker and member of IBEW Local 1186. He is survived by wife, Hannah Puailihau; sons, Samuel "Tiny" Puailihau, Nelson "Honeyboy" (Randy Mae) Puailihau, Henry Kalani (Holly) Puailihau, Howard "Pua" Puailihau; daughter, June (Keoki) Denison; brother, Laurence "Kimo" (Ziona) Puailihau; 9 grandchildren: Ivan, Jeremy, Kevin, Hannah-Marie, Mikilani Puailihau; Nelson "Pihana", Preston "Kamahalo", Justyn "Kalani" Puailihau-Eli; Kanoe Rockford. 4 great-grandchildren, Zianna, Zailey Kaahu-Puailihau-Eli; Aukai, Leila Voge. Visitation 8:30 AM Saturday April 23 at Mililani Downtown Mortuary, Service 9:30 AM. Committal Service 9:30 AM Tuesday April 26 at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Casual attire.
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