Robert Wylie GuildROBERT WYLIE GUILD May 13, 1929 - August 23, 2016 Born and raised in Manoa and Makiki, "Rab" was the youngest child of Winnifred Wilson Guild of Portland, Oregon and Archibald S. Guild. His father immigrated to Hawaii from Scotland in the late 1800s to join two brothers who had already moved to the Islands. Rab's sister, Betty Blake, passed away last year at 94, and his brother Thornton still lives in the family home in Makiki with his wife Ann. Rab attended Hanahauoli and Punahou Schools, and graduated from University of Hawaii at Manoa where he played basketball and rowed for the UH Crew. A waterman all of his life, Rab paddled for the Outrigger Canoe Club Junior Men's crew, and later for the Senior Men under his mentor, Duke Kahanamoku. He also played on the Outrigger volleyball team in the '50s and '60s. While at UH, Rab heard about a job he couldn't resist as a diver for Standard Oil on Wake Island. By happenstance, he was on the runway at Wake when both General MacArthur and President Truman landed and witnessed their famous tarmac meeting. After a year on Wake Island, he returned with pockets full of money which he spent on a red Oldsmobile convertible and his new girlfriend, Alice Flanders, who was fresh out of Punahou and on her way to college. With the Korean War in full force, he promptly joined the Air Force, where he claimed he fought "the Battle of Hickam Field". Following his discharge from the military, Rab went into the Automobile business where he spent the next forty years. One of the first salesmen at Hull-Dobbs Ford, Rab went on to become Sales Manager of its successor company, Honolulu Ford. After a short sojourn in the auto leasing business, he and his partner Ken Taylor, established Pali Volkswagen in Kaneohe. Later, they opened Bay Mazda in Kailua and Bay Chevrolet in Kaneohe. He always credited the automobile business for his large circle of friends. Rab and Alice were married in 1954 and would have celebrated their 62nd anniversary this October. Their four children, Rici, Walter, Diane and Lissa, were the joy of his life - that is until the three grandchildren, Ian, Lia and Ryder came along. Rab considered the Outrigger Canoe Club his "other home", and served twice as Club President. He was extremely proud of the role he played in the merger of two non-profits, the Duke Kahanamoku Foundation and the Outrigger Canoe Club Foundation, to form the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation. Last year, he had the joy of watching as his son, Walter, was inducted into the ODKF Waterman's Hall of Fame. In his fifties, Rab took up golf with a vengeance. He was always sorry that he hadn't learned to play when he was younger, but that didn't stop him from playing whenever and wherever he could. Oahu Country Club became his final course of choice. He would want his pals there to know how much their fellowship meant to him - and also, his longtime comrades in the Waikiki Rod and Gun Club and "Wild Oats" in California. After Alice and Rab retired, he decided that they should find a second home on the Big Island. For the past 25 years, they have delighted in Ahua Kilinoe Ranch, their beautiful hideaway on the slopes of Mauna Kea. Three years ago, with the purchase of 200 acres of former Parker Ranch land and a partnership with Hawaii Lowline Cattle Company, Rab finally became the rancher he always dreamed of being. A sports enthusiast, wine collector, world traveler and family man, Rab would be the first to say that he had lived a great life. Rab is survived by his loving wife Alice, brother Thornton (Ann), son Walter (Jackie), daughters Rici and Di Guild and Lissa Guild Eveleth (John), and grandchildren Ian and Lia Eveleth and Ryder Guild. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Monday, September 12th at 9:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation, St. Francis Hospice or a charity of one's choice.
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