Norman Young Wan KimAge 71, of Kaneohe, HI passed away on November 10, 2016. Norman was born in Honolulu, HI on April 7, 1945. He graduated from St. Louis High School. He attended University of Michigan and University of Hawaii and served in the US Army. He was married to Pamela Tripp on February 24, 1973; they were married for 43 years. Norman worked for United Airlines for 36 years. In retirement he enjoyed being a grandfather, traveling the world with family and friends and playing golf as often as possible. Norman is survived by his wife Pamela, his children Toby Kim, Zachary Kim (Moyra), Jennifer Bartell (Scott), his grandchildren Josiah, Zachary, Addison, Ryder and Reed, his brother Anthony Kim (Faye) and many beloved nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his father Wallace, his mother Mary and his sister Salome Meagher. The celebration of life will be held Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at Calvary Chapel, Kaneohe 47-525 Kamehameha Hwy. 10:00am visitation, 11:00am service. No flowers please. Arrangements Provided By: Borthwick Mortuary
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