LUCY “BOOPSEY” KEALII WONGAge 82, of Honolulu, HI, passed away Dec. 20, 2016 in Honolulu. She was born Mar. 5, 1934 in Waipouli, Kauai, HI. She was preceded in death by husband, Richard "Pipi" C.L. Wong; brother, Henry Ah San Kaui Hee; sisters, Naomi Noeau, and Lynette Leialoha Kaowili Takayesu. She was a retired secretary from Foster Towers, Aloha Realty, and McCorriston, Miho, Miller & Mukai (M4). She is survived by sons, Bert (Diane) Wong, Byron Wong; daughter, Bonnie Kuuipolani (Sheldon) Gaison; brothers, Robert Keonaona (Ginny) Hee, John Kaipo (Dee) Hee; sisters, Ruth Ung Kuualoha (Alapa'i) Kolo, Violet Leinani (Ralph) Arakaki, Diane Kuulei (Eddie) Gushiken; 8 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Visitation 9:00 a.m., Friday (Jan. 20) at Mililani Downtown Mortuary, Honolulu. Funeral service 10:30 a.m. Burial 1:30 p.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.
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