ANNIE VENDIOLA GURON CORPUZDECEMBER 3, 1925 - FEBRUARY 21, 2017 Born in Lingsat, San Fernando City, La Union PHILIPPINES APRIL 8, 2017 - SATURDAY Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary 45-425 Kamehameha Highway Kaneohe, HI 96744 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Valley of the Temples 47-200 Kahekili Highway Kaneohe, HI 96744 12:30 NOON - Burial Lunch to follow SURVIVORS - Mercie Ann (Guron) Nahaku - Daughter, Angelino M. Guron, Jr. and Ray Alan (Shelly) Guron - Sons GRAND CHILDREN - Joshua (Helen Kong), Lindsey, Jasmine, Jerome (Pauline Cooper), Jacob, Victoria, Olivia, Jewelianna and Quinton Guron. Alex Nahaku (Brielle Agcopra) GREAT GRAND CHILDREN - Jaycee, Keilana, Nalani, Jaden & Evie Guron and Jillian & Xander Agcopra - Nahaku
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