Charles Edmond ChafinAge 82, of St. Augustine, Florida and Sugar Mountain, passed away Wednesday evening, October 18, 2017, at Johnson City Medical Center in Johnson City, Tennessee. He is survived by his daughter Elizabeth Chafin of Burbank California and nephews Charles and Stewart Chafin. Born in Marianna Florida on November 4, 1934 and moved to Tallahassee a few weeks there after. He graduated from Leon high school and attended FSU for a short while before enlisting in the US Marine Corp in 1953. He was honorably discharged as a sergeant three years later. He attended Woodberry college in Southern California graduating cum laude as a California CPA. He then went to work for Arthur Andersen in LA specializing in Taxes. In 1963 relocated to Hawaii to join the Dillingham corporation a major NYSE public company with international operations. He retired as group V.P. In 1982 and relocated to Florida. He has served on several corporate and civic Board of Directors. No public service will be held any donations should be made to a charity of your choice. Online condolences may be sent to the Chafin family at Hampton Funeral and Cremation Service, Boone, NC, is in charge of the arrangements.
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