“Mike” Daniel Joseph McKenna, “Pops”MIKE DANIEL JOSEPH MCKENNA, POPS Born in Providence, Rhode Island, "Mike" Daniel Joseph McKenna was born in 1933. Mike passed over the rainbow bridge just days before his 85th birthday. In his family, he was the last child born and had 2 older sisters. They doted on him as the only son in the family. They gave him the nic-name "Bud". When he became of age to drive, he spent his time working on cars because his sisters didn't want him to hurt himself playing football. When illegal street racing landed him in front of a Judge at the age of 16, the Judge told "Bud" to make a choice, go to Jail or choose a Military branch. Mike chose the Marines. He proudly served during the Korean war as Sgt. Daniel J. McKenna. When Pops came back stateside he had a new nickname, "Mike". He became a great entrepreneur. For 30 years there were car dealerships, International race tracks and lots of power boats. He made friends wherever he went! When he decided to slow down, he moved to Oahu. He bought a small dealership from Volkswagen of America right in down town Honolulu. The customers and employees loved how he did business. They shared their Aloha Spirit with him and he embraced living Aloha! Pops took fashion queues from nobody! His signature style was a Reyn Spooner shirt, shorts and deck shoes. Always with a pipe or a stogie in hand and always a ball cap! Mike loved dogs and often had one or two in tow where ever he went! At work, Mike's office door was always open to anyone to come in and talk story. He was good at giving Aloha! He loved driving from Hawaii Kai thru Waimanalo to Kailua with his trusty dog in the passenger seat. Every time Mike wanted to slow down, business just picked up! Pops was at the helm of Makena Hawaii for just about 25 years. The last years for him were surrounded by friends and dogs, coming and going. He cherished the family visits. Even when he wasn't feeling good there was always a joke to share in good humor. Mike McKenna is survived by 1 dog, Hana Boy, 2 sons Danny and Patrick and 2 daughters, Tracy and Ms. Michael. Services will be held at: 9 am - 12 pm on Friday, June 22 at St. Anthony's Church Kailua Please consider donating to Hawaiian Humane Society instead of any monetary donations. Arrangements Provided By: Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary
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