Mabel Seiko GushiAge 87 of Wahiawa, Hawaii, passed away July 11, 2018 in Wahiawa, Hawaii. Mabel was a woman with courage and strength throughout her life and to the end. She enjoyed gallivanting to Las Vegas and crocheting her many good luck frogs and luggage markers (as she would call them), from hearts, slippers and smilely faces. Oh, and not to mention the many crocheted beanies, hats and scarfs. She will be missed but definitely remembered for her warm heart and generosity. Born July 17, 1930 in Keopu, North Kona, Hawaii. Preceded in death by husband, Masao Frank Gushi; and sons - Howard Kawamura, Terry Kawamura and Stewart Gushi. Survived by daughters, Audrey Sue, Bridget (Ryan) Sawai, Nadine (Wesley) Lo, Rita (Harold) Nakabayashi; brothers, Kazuto (Bessie) Nitahara, Sunao (Helen) Nitahara, Isami (Lindy) Nitahara, Hardy Nitahara, Arthur (Carmen) Nitahara; 8 grand- children; and 2 great-grand- children. Visitation at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2018 at Mililani Mortuary Mauka Chapel with Memorial Service at 6:00 p.m. Casual Attire. Flowers Welcome. Please, no monetary offerings.
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