Karllton Kalani GoraiAge 60, of Kahaluu, Hawaii passed away on June 15, 2018. Born in Honolulu on November 14, 1957. He graduated from Castle High School in 1975. He was a bus driver for the City & County of Honolulu TheBus (MTL) and served in the Hawaii Army National Guard. He was an avid fisherman and a floral designer and wholesaler. Karllton is survived by his parents Lorraine and Cinton Gorai, son Karllton Kalani (Yukari) Gorai, Jr., daughters Karllyn and Karillyn Gorai, brother Kanahele (Lisa) Gorai. Preceded by his brother Kevin (Erin) Gorai; sister Kahealani Gorai; grandchildren, Kailani Gorai, Denick and Sharilyn Gamiao, Kohana and Konomi Gorai; great- grandchild, Sakaiya Gorai-Espindola; his former wife Marilyn Mila Gorai Valderama and his Nieces and Nephews. Visitation will be at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 11, 2018, at Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary. Services to start at 11:30 a.m. with burial to follow at 2:00 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements Provided By: Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary
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