TAFU KEOLA HANNEMANNTafu Keola Hannemann, 55, passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by his children in the early morning of June 24. Known to family and friends as "TK," he was the son of Samoan community leader Gus Afimutasi and Lydia Leimomi. TK graduated from Kaiser High School in 1982 where he played on the Cougars varsity basketball squad. He was the nephew of former Honolulu mayor Mufi Hannemann and Waikiki entertainer Nephi Hannemann. As the first-born grandchild of the Hannemann clan, TK was the apple of his Grandma Faiaso's eye, spending many hours at his grandparents' Kalihi home. He loved being spoiled by his grandparents in a loving "Fa'a Samoa" environment. TK was a dedicated and conscientious employee of Oahu Transit Services. Starting as a city bus driver in his early 20s, TK later became a business agent for the Hawaii Teamsters and Allied Workers, Local 996, for five years, the same union to which grandfather Gustav belonged during his career with Foremost Dairies, a proud tie for TK. He eventually transitioned into management, beginning as an OTS labor relations specialist before ascending to an executive position as the director of human resources in 2014 before his illness forced him to retire prematurely this year. During his tenure, he was highly respected by both management and labor and was known for his fairness, compassion, and caring attitude toward his staff, colleagues, and fellow workers. His family was his top priority and his three children, Ryan (Sienna), Zack, and Taryn (Max), and five grandchildren, Isaiah, Titus, Sariah, Selah, and Titan, were the objects of his all-consuming affection. As much as he was devoted to his work, nothing made him happier than to bring a smile to their faces and happiness into their lives, which he did with his acts of generosity and kindness, humor, and affection. TK was a dutiful son and followed the admonition of the Bible to honor one's parents. One of his greatest memories was of traveling with his parents and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on his historic pilgrimage to Samoa, a trip that was arranged by dad Gus. It was a reunion of sorts because The Rock and his grandparents and parents frequently visited the Hannemanns at their Hawaii Kai home during his time in Hawaii. He also devoted great care to mother Lydia upon Gus' death in 2015, despite his personal health challenges. Lydia would remark to everyone, "I'm so lucky to have a son like TK to help me cope with the passing of my husband." He was extremely close to his Uncle Mufi and they spent a lot of time together collaborating on many family, sports, government, and community endeavors. TK was also very supportive of his fiance Dana Takahara-Dias' professional career and her sons Hunter and Logan's myriad activities. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, July 13, at the Kahala Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 4847 Kilauea Avenue. Viewing is from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., with the service to follow at 11:00 a.m.
Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased