GLEN FUNAKOSHIJuly 6, 1956 ~ February 12, 2019 " I love you more than anyone..." I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too. We had 36 wonderful years together and I am so blessed to have all the memories of you locked in my heart like a treasure chest. You will feel all of my love surround you like a warm embrace and when it is my time to go this way alone. You will greet me with a smile with arms open wide and say, "Welcome Home". ~ Always remember I love you, "Gina" Chong S. Funakoshi ~ A Special "Thank you" to our daughter, Susanne D. Johnson; brother, Greg Funakoshi; Hawaiian Airlines emplyees who knew "Funa" and Dr. Sharon S. Lawler.
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