Sharon Louise Fischer FloresAge 70, of Punchbowl, passed away on February 15, 2020. She is survived by her daughters Carlene, Georgine and Jaclyn, mother Edith (Kong) Fischer, brothers Richard and Kenneth (Brenda) Fischer, sister Carrie (Earle) Kealoha and grand-dog Malie. She was also adored by many nieces and nephews. She joined her recently deceased husband Rodney on their 51st wedding anniversary. Also preceded in death by her father Carl Fischer. Sharon was a well-loved manager at Paramount Services, Associates, Alert Alarm, and Wells Fargo & was an active member of Roosevelt Class of '67. VISITATION 3:00 P.M. ON SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2020 AT NUUANU MEMORIAL PARK & MORTUARY-EAST CHAPEL, SERVICE 4:00 P.M. PRIVATE BURIAL AT A LATER DATE. Arrangements Provided By: Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary LLC
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