Her education was cut short by the threat of war, and on the advice of a family friend in Yokohama, she was able to book passage to Honolulu on one of the last ships out. After her return she held various jobs as a cafeteria manager, dressmaker and dress shop owner. She later met and married Soichi "Jonah" Uehara, who taught English at high schools on the Big Island and Oahu, eventually heading Business Communications at Kapiolani Community College.
Angie always said that her greatest joy and accomplishment was being a mother. She loved children and became a devoted wife and parent to Ann (Guy Flores), Lea (John Heide), Patricia "Patty" (Jerry Bray), Neal (Michele Morinaga) and Scott. She always wanted a big family and later lamented that she only had three grandchildren: Midori (Gabriel Aispuro), Dana, and Aiko (Dallas Styner); and great grandchildren: Jonah, Jory and Koji. Angie will always be remembered as one of the family matriarchs of her large clan. A second mother to her many nieces, nephews, and cousins, she was truly a "Super Mom" who bestowed her compassion, generosity and gifts of love to all she touched.
Although the war thwarted her dreams of becoming a fashion designer, they were realized in the many dresses she created for her sisters and daughters, ballet tutus and costumes, and prom and wedding gowns for her family. She loved entertaining and was renowned for the fabulous feasts she prepared for family and friends. Retirement provided an opportunity for Angie and Jonah to fulfill their bucket list goals to go off island and see the world, taking them to California, Europe, Japan, and Okinawa.
She was predeceased by her parents, husband, and brother, Sosaburo Maeda, sisters Natalie Fumi Higa, and Audrey Tajima. The family would like to express their eternal gratitude to Jocelyn Lazo for the loving and expert care she provided during Angie's final years.
Due to COVID-19 private services will be scheduled at a later date.
Arrangements Provided By: Hosoi Garden Mortuary