Linda attended Hamakuapoko School and then went to Maui High School. Upon graduation in 1951, she travelled to Honolulu and attended Honolulu Business Academy and learned all about the corporate world.
Linda first met the love of her life at Maui High School. Niles Cravalho was a senior when Linda was a freshman. They reconnected in 1951 at a C.Y.O. activity and started dating. After Niles was honorably discharged from the service, he married Linda on June 14, 1952. The next year, the happy couple moved to Oahu, settled in Kailua and started their family, having three sons.
Linda began her career with the State of Hawaii and worked as a Secretary to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and then as Journal Secretary for the State Legislature in the House and in the Senate for a total of thirteen years. She was later employed by the Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery as the Community Service Director and then as the Family Service Supervisor assisting families with committal services. Linda retired as Manager of the Family Service Department after 20 years of providing comfort to the loved ones left behind.
Linda was appointed by the Consul General of Portugal as Chancellor for the State of Hawaii and was awarded the Consul's Cup presented annually for outstanding service for the Portuguese Community in Hawaii. Linda represented Hawaii in the Conferences for the Congress of Portuguese Communities throughout the world and visited Lisbon and Maderia, Portugal. She was also a member and past president of the Portuguese Pioneer Civic Association in Honolulu and served as a member of the Scholarship Committee, providing financial assistance to students of Portuguese ancestry. Linda was proud of her heritage and honored to serve the Portuguese community in Honolulu and beyond.
Linda was initiated into the Young Ladies Institute (YLI), a national Catholic women's organization, on October 24, 1954 and remained an active member for 66 years. She held many YLI Grand Offices and in 1997 served as Grand President, the first and only from the State of Hawaii. During her one year term, she moved to California to better serve the organization and initiated a program to raise funds to support the Alzheimer's Association in honor of her mother who was afflicted with the dreadful disease. In 2007, Linda was the recipient of the Island Treasure Award representing the YLI for the Diocese of Honolulu given in recognition of the work done to enhance the life of the Catholic Church.
A long time parishioner at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Kailua, Linda served on the parish counsel and as a lector and extraordinary minister. She also served on the Board of Directors for St. Louis High School while her sons were students there.
Linda loved the Lord and at one time wrote, "I thank our Heavenly Father for His protection and thank our Blessed Mother for her guidance and care."
Preceded in death by her husband Niles she is survived by their three children: Allan F. Cravalho (Wendy), Michael J. Cravalho, Robert A. Cravalho; her grandchildren: John A. Cravalho (Patricia), Michael F. Cravalho (Ho`olu), Reverend Allan Andrew Cravalho C.P.M., Jeffrey R. Cravalho (Chelsae), Daniel J. Cravalho, Barbara F. Cravalho, Belinda F. Nevarez, Robert N. Cravalho, Brooke M. Cravalho, Brittany F. Cravalho, and her great grandchildren, Christian Roa, Karielle Cravalho, Hilina`i Cravalho, Marcelina Cravalho, Nelson Cravalho, Gabriel Prieto-Cravalho, Lisette Cravalho, Bailey Nevarez and Julian Nevarez.
A Funeral Service will be held on Friday, August 28, 2020, at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 148 Makawao Street, Kailua, Hawaii, in accordance with the Diocese of Honolulu's guidelines concerning COVID-19. There will be no visitation. The service will be live streamed. You may email lindacravalho@hotmail.com and we will share the link.
Eulogy: 10:50 a.m.; Funeral Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Interment: 1:00 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park