He and I would go to the "Cal" in Las Vegas at least 3-4 times a year for the past 4 years. He sat for hours playing Video Poker and through that, plus his winnings, we ended up getting "Comps" for use at the "Redwood Steakhouse". Here he enjoyed whatever he felt like at the time, which was usually a fine steak w/king crab legs plus a glass of wine!
He was generous and people was drawn to him, not sure if it was his humbleness or genuine good natured character but, people always came by to say hi, hoped he was doing well gambling , and most important, winning! He seemed to always come back a "winner", just like in Life in general.
He had a strong commitment to his faith. He was as a man of high integrity and righteousness. He routinely attended service when Mom was still alive. As his Parkinson condition worsened, he struggled w/mobility and it limited his enjoyment of things from years gone by.
Surrounded by his family One quite afternoon, God whispered that it was time, April 4th, 2020 next destination, where no more pain, suffering, and darkness existed, only "LIGHT", He arrived, God's promise fulfilled, Life everlasting!
Preceded in death by wife Carmen. He is survived by his brother, Bonifacio: Sons, Anthony (Barbara), Bernard (Colleen), Grandchildren, Darin (Brenda), Joshua (Rebecca), Justin (Summer), and Kayla (Jeff). Great-Grandchildren Caleb, Asher, Noah, Emma, Skylar, Jaelynn, and Ellie.
Private Services to be held.