Dan moved his family to O'ahu in August 1951 and began his career in agriculture working for Libby's Pineapple Company and later Waialua Sugar Plantation. In 1961, the family moved to Honolulu when Dan started working at the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association where he remained until he retired in 1988 as the Secretary-Treasurer. Dan enjoyed a long retirement and explored many interests, including his love of golf, RC airplanes and boats, playing the piano and flight simulation. He learned conversational Japanese and other languages. He was known to strike up a conversation with everyone he met. Dan loved to spend time with his family and friends. He was passionate about his Catholic faith and looked forward to weekly mass. His favorite prayer which he recited nightly was the Our Father.
Dan is survived by his loving wife Jeanne, his four daughters Janet, Marilyn (Albert), Maureen and Phyllis as well as his grandchildren, Danielle (Thomas), Kyle, Tessa, Buddy, Caitlin, Tyler and Peter, his great-grandchildren, Daniel and James, his brother, Charles and nieces and nephews. Dan was predeceased by his beloved sister Evelyn and first-born grandson Douglas.
The family would like to thank his caregivers of the past three years, Rona, Lourdes, Flor, Margie and Ryan whose loving care and support allowed Dan to remain at home with those who loved him. One of his last wishes was not to be forgotten. Dan, we love you and will never forget you.
A private memorial mass in Dan's honor will be held at Holy Family Catholic Church.