Agnes lived life simply, never forgetting her Hawaiian roots. She loved her family, loved cooking, her muumuus, dim sum, laulau, poi, and SF 49er football. She faced many health challenges late in life. But wherever life took her, she made friends easily and left an indelible impression on those she met of a sweet, gentle fighting spirit. That indomitable spirit carried her through 11 years of dialysis, chemotherapy, and finally Covid-19. Covid-19 took our mom too soon. :'( We will cherish the memories we have of her forever.
Agnes is survived by her children of CA and WA: Sidney, Dudley, Robert, Kathleen, Tracy; grandchildren: Amber, HongLei, and Brian "#1 grandson" Kuboi; brother Edwin (Sachiko) Y. Y. Lew of Honolulu. She joins her beloved late husband of 61 years, Francis Y. Kuboi (Aug. 7, 1932 - May 22, 2017); brothers Kenneth Lew, Henry K. T., Alfred K. F., and Harry Y. S. Lew; sisters Rachel A. O. Kennedy, Grace Y. O. Lew, Mildred Y. H. Young, all of Honolulu. Interment to be held together with Francis at a later date, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl.
Aloha 'Oe, Mommy… until we meet again.