Rosita is survived by her younger sister Lilia Domingo in the Philippines, her sons Richard, Jesse, Nestor (Evangeline), her daughters Ruby Sequeira (Kiki) and Teresa Dedrick (Manny), grand- children Chanderlyn Kahananui (Kaninau), Jonah and Tanita Dedrick, Taylor and Christian Gabatino; and her great-grand- children Ke'ala and Ho'omaluhia Kahananui.
We are grateful for Linda Lau of Kokua Home Care who befriended Rosita and helped us care for her for over 5 years. We are thankful for Exon, Michael, Ahled, Chaplain Stephen, Tim, Claire and others at Bristol Hospice for their compassionate care of our mother for nearly a year.
Mom, thank you for bringing us into this world, raising us and caring for us. We love you and although you are no longer physically with us, we know that your soul and our memories of you will live on.
Services will be held on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at Valley of the Temples-Main Lower Chapel. Public viewing from 9:30-10:30, with Burial to follow at 12 noon at Valley of the Temples Park Cemetery.
Arrangements Provided By:
Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary