Matthew Kenji Calvin FosterMatthew Kenji Calvin Foster was born August 24, 1998 at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, Hawaii. Matthew passed at Straub Medical Center, Emergency Room, on July 19, 2021. Matthew grew up in Hawaii Kai and attended Kuapa pre-school, Montessory Community School, Holy Nativity and graduated from Mid Pacific Institute (MPI) in 2017. Matthew was baptized Christian at Central Union Church in 2012. Matthew attended Saint Michael's College in Winooski, Vermont for his freshman year and then transferred to the University of Vermont and State Agriculture College (UVM) where he majored in plant and soil science. Matthew was entering his senior year at UVM. Matthew excelled in track & cross country, soccer, paddling and tennis at school. Matthew participated in cub scouts and boy scouts (Troop 10, 777 and 101) and received his eagle scout in 2016. At UVM, Matthew participated in club track and outing and was a brother at Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. Matthew loved nature and hiked throughout the Alakai Swamp, Kauai Island, Mount Katahdin and Mount Cadillac, Maine, and the White Mountains of New Hampshire, during all seasons. Matthew also loved the ocean and would body board and surf along the south shore of Oahu and especially at Sandy Beach. Matthew was a passionate musician and enjoyed producing music for the world. He always did what he loved and was unapologetically himself. He could make anyone laugh and brought so much love and laughter to the world. Matthew is survived by his parents, Kevin Brooks Foster and Shirley Kimie Foster, sister Gwendolyn M.K. Foster, grandfather Kenji Arakaki of Honolulu, HI and Marilyn Brooks of Charlotte, Maine. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at Central Union Church, 1660 South Beretania Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 at 2:00 pm, Sunday, July 25, 2021. All who knew Matthew are welcome to participate in the Service. To access the Service remotely, please contact Kevin Foster at for a link.
Arrangements Provided By: Hosoi Garden Mortuary
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