Ayame O. Nishikawa
Ayame O. Nishikawa On July 10, 2021, Heaven welcomed Ayame O. Nishikawa (97), and so began her glorious journey of seeing loved ones that awaited her arrival. Those left behind mourn for our loss, but more importantly Celebrate her life here and cherish the memories that we share. Her husband Larry, parents Matajuro & Sunae Onzuka, brothers Robert & Ralph Onzuka, among others welcomed her.
Ayame was born February 11, 1924 on Kauai, attended Waimea High School, lived in Hanapepe, raised her children, worked at Waimea High School for several years, traveled to Europe, the Far East and spots in-between. These are some of the things she did, but her life was filled with much more; relationships that were cherished, life lessons that were both learned and taught, time and insight shared, instilling a wider outlook of life and opening one's eyes to the world, having fun and enjoying the simple things that life has to offer, acceptance of people from all walks of life, patience, the importance of listening rather than talking, being grateful, the importance of a good attitude. The list goes on.
She is survived by her four children, 10 Grandchildren, and 7 Great Grandchildren. Ryan & Rae Nishikawa (Rene Nishikawa, husband Ryson Matsumura, and Rona Nishikawa and Partner Thomas Keopuhiwa, and 4 grandchildren among them); Lynn & Sam Stevens (Dean/Marita Stevens, Daniel Stevens, Mark/Lindsay Stevens and 3 grandchildren among them); Lloyd & Monica Nishikawa (Joseph, Anyes, Kevin); Alvin & Lori Nishikawa (David, Michael).

We can't thank you enough for being part of our lives
and setting a great example on how to live your life.
That is your legacy to many generations yet to come.
Love, from us all.

A Private memorial will be held on July 31, 2021 in Tacoma, Washington. A memorial on Kauai is pending due to covid concerns.

Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased