Jack attended Punahou, attending from kindergarten onwards. The friendships made at Punahou were some his strongest, lasting his entire life. Graduating in 1956 from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science in General Agriculture he brought his new bride Julie home to Hawaii. Working for a major sugar producer, American Factors, Jack moved up through the management levels, treating his family to plantation life on all the outer islands. His four children remember his very brief ownership of a red motorcycle with a side car which allowed him to take them for rides on the dirt cane-haul roads.
As the demand for sugar waned, he had the opportunity to partner with Mayor Herbert Matayoshi becoming manager of the County of Hawaii. Together they helped guide the county's early investment in geo-thermal energy, ocean wave energy, biomass conversion, direct solar power, and wind power.
Jack married his second wife, Vivian Rae in 1982 and moved to Oahu where he continued with various projects close to his heart. An avid student of the Hawaiian language, he contributed to the Hawaiian Bible project. The original Palapala Hemolele was translated directly from Hebrew into Hawaiian in 1939 providing a linguistic snapshot of the Hawaiian language at the time. The project re-published this and the later publication, Baibala Hemolele, in digital format both to preserve it and to increase access for the next generation of Hawaiian language students. He also collaborated with Henry Maunakea as Co-chairmen of the Sanctuary Restoration Committee for Kaumakapili church.
Jack remained devoted to Vivian Rae who developed early onset Alzheimers. After Rae's passing, Jack moved to Oregon to be closer to his children, choosing to settle in Columbia City with its beauty, friendly people, and proximity to his only granddaughter. The family would like to thank Doctors Schorria and Okada and the wonderful nursing and hospice teams affiliated with Holladay Park Plaza in Portland. Their expertise, compassion, and kindness are extraordinary.
A celebration of his life will be held at Christ Episcopal Church, St. Helens at 11 am Pacific Time on September 11th. Provisions will be made to safe-guard participants from COVID-19 and online attendance will be an option. In lieu of flowers please direct donations in his honor to a Hospice team near you, or to Christ Episcopal Church, St. Helens (PO Box 478, St. Helens, OR 97051), or Kaumakapili Church, (766 N King St, Honolulu, HI 96817).