Ken was a chef by trade and began his culinary career at the Nordic Inn in Aberdeen at the early age of 15. His schooling and culinary aptitude brought him to Hawaii in 1976. He told family members when he stepped off the plane in Hawaii, he took a deep breath and said "I'm home." He spent the remainder of his years sharing his culinary magic with the islands and even teaching cooking classes at KCC. He was the longtime sous chef at Michel's in Waikiki and he owned his own restaurant and bar called "Someplace Else" in Kailua. He became Ken the Cookie Man when he worked for Wally Amos managing Chip and Cookie in Waikiki and Kailua. Most recently, he managed Hawaiian Island Candy Company where he used Rosie's pie recipe to make the manju.
Ken was most proud of his two children: Stacee, 31, a high school teacher in L.A., and Justin, 24, of Kahalu'u. He was a consummate supporter of his children and took pride in all their accomplishments and successes. Ken loved live music and has been kicked out of many concerts. Aside from the Kenny Jack hat he never left home without, he also always wore a smile. He loved people and was loved by people and anyone would be hard pressed to find someone who didn't like him. He was known throughout the island as everyone's "Uncle Kenny" and he will be greatly missed.
Ken's memorials will be held at St. John's By The Sea
Episcopal Church, Kahalu'u, on October 2nd at 2:00 p.m. and
in Bonney Lake, Washington on October 16th at 2:00 p.m.