Entered the College of San Mateo, CA for a short time, but then joined the Army and was stationed in Korea. After completing his military commitment, he returned home to finish college at the University of Hawaii.
He enjoyed sports and played football in high school & college. He also trained in boxing, played handball, kept physically fit at the YMCA and excelled at golf for many years.
For most of his work life, he loved sales, especially home improvement and had his own business in this field.
The most important, life changing event that he would want mentioned here is when he gave his life to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in 1973, while watching Billy Graham on television.
He became an avid reader of the Bible and doing in depth studies to where he eventually taught classes at First Assembly of God Church. At churches to follow, he was an Elder and held leadership roles.
Archie, graduated to Heaven on 9/27/21. Waiting to join him one day is his beloved wife of 43 yrs., Jorli Iwanaga. His children, Rhanda Coleman (Donald); Earl Daniel Iwanaga; Trish Lee; Erik Iwanaga (Paige). He leaves 7 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. His sister, Geri Lambert (Mike) & 3 nieces.
His favorite Psalm was 91, which was read over him by the chaplain just hours before he exchanged his temporal home for his eternal one.
Archie's interment will be at Punchbowl.
Condolences made at: asi888@gmail.com
Arrangements Provided By: Oahu Mortuary