Upon graduating from NU, Selvin assisted in conducting research at the Illinois Institute of Gas Technology. From 1968 to 1970, he served as a Child Guidance Education Officer with the Jamaican Ministry of Education, providing counseling for intermediate & high school students and leading teacher-training seminars in vocational guidance, while instructing and placing Peace Corps volunteers around the island nation.
Returning to Hawaii, Selvin furthered his education by earning a Masters Degree in Counseling & Guidance and a Doctorate in Educational Psychology at UH. As an Examination Research Specialist in the Department of Civil Service for the City & County of Honolulu from 1977 to 1979, he was responsible for the construction and validation of personnel tests for firefighter and police candidates. Finally, he served as the administrator of statewide student tests for the DOE, while also mentoring doctoral candidates as an adjunct professor at UH.
A fascination with computers and a passion for photography were Selvin's two main enjoyments in retirement. He was always willing to help others in their endeavors, troubleshooting at all hours. He joined the Koko Head Lions Club and helped create a hearing and vision screening database. As a camera buff, he helped critique entries in several online shows while a member of the Eyes of Hawaii Photography Club.
Selvin also enjoyed spending time with his family, especially most recently with his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife Frances, children Catherine (Michael Hodapp) and Christopher, as well as three grandchildren, Veronica, Jacob, and Matthew. A private memorial service was held for his immediate family. They request no flowers or monetary offerings but if you would like to honor Selvin, you may make a donation to Koko Head Lions Club, c/o Philip Sharp, 282 Mahimahi Pl., Honolulu, HI 96821.
Arrangements Provided By: Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary LLC