He was a caring and dedicated husband to Bonnie (Awaa) for 29 years and chose to make Kane'ohe their home along with their many fur babies.
Herbert was most affectionately known as Herb, Dad, Pops, Papa, Great-Grand Papa, Brother, Uncle, Honey Boy & Maki.
He was a graduate of Farrington High School and was last employed at Hina Mauka in Kane'ohe for 10+ years, first as a facilities worker and later as their cook where he took great pride preparing healthy meals for clients.
Herb's knack for whipping up 'onolicious soups, multi-ethnic dishes and crazy chili peppah watah concoctions welcomed rave reviews by 'ohana and friends!
His warmth and charm easily tugged at many people's heartstrings. Another trait of his was being a master of storytelling which was highly captivating and brought much entertainment to many.
He loved his family dearly and gathering with them brought much joy, especially camping at the beach. It was something he looked forward to every summer. Herb enjoyed diving, fishing, picking 'opihi, surfing, and boogie boarding.
Playing his guitar and singing to oldies but goodies songs were amongst his favorite pastimes. He had a naturally smooth melodic voice that seemed so effortless in style and tone, a gift shared by his many talented siblings and other family members.
Herb was a very intuitive, creative, and inventive man with surgeon like abilities using any tool he got his hands on. His endless ideas and projects were far too many to count, as well as the number of people he blessed by gifting them unique and beautifully crafted creations.
There is no greater gift he could give than his loving and caring heart where his kindness, generosity, and kokua knew no bounds!
Many were blessed, delighted, and honored to know Herb. He will be Truly Missed, always Loved, and Forever held in our Hearts.
Herb is survived by his loving 'ohana: his wife, 6 children, 20 grandchildren, one and only great-grandchild, 3 sisters and well over 100+ cousins, nephews and nieces.
His 'Ohana plans to have a private celebration of life in July.