She is survived by her husband 'Tiger' Tom Metcalf, sons Kyle and Craig, daughter Karen, and seven grand- children and one great grandson. She was born on January 20, 1927 in the small Vermont town of Rochester. Most of her high school years were spent at North Field-Mount Herman from which she graduated in 1944. She attended Middlebury College, majoring in French, graduating in the morning and marrying Thomas Metcalf, her fiancé, that same afternoon, June 14,1948. They started their family and careers by flying 5000 miles to Honolulu where Tom joined the Punahou faculty
Jan's own career included teaching at Punahou, Our Redeemer Lutheran, Mid Pacific Institute, Iolani and Kansai Gadai Academy. She made lifetime friends with other teachers and students. She was a no-nonsense teacher who held her students to the high academic standards that she knew they were capable of achieving. She was most proud of two of her students, Dr. Stein Rafto and Lorraine Akiba.
Jan and Tom put family first and either participated in or attended as many of the events of their children and grandchildren as possible. Tutu and Tiger celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in 1998 and most recently celebrated 73 years of marriage. Tutu was known for her strong and caring personality and for her cooking and baking skills. She was known for offering a minimum of three homemade dessert choices at lunch and dinner meals.
Although she had a close circle of friends, it could never match her commitment to her children and grandchildren, and she was always more than willing to extend that circle to include their friends. Tutu was known for her steadfast commitment to honesty, fair play, and anti-racism views. She was a beacon of common sense and solid values and will be remembered for these character traits.
She lost her youngest son Scott to heart disease in 2014. He was always the living embodiment of her values. His funeral was attended by a thousand people. She has chosen to be cremated with her ashes spread at Makapu'u with those of Scott. There will be no public service. We will miss her dearly and continue to do our best to live up to her values. Tiger Tom extends his sincere appreciation to all of you who have offered condolences and especially to her closest caregivers Lea Vaieleti and Noa Pouli
Donations in her name can be made to Punahou School for the Scott P. Metcalf Scholarship Fund, 1601 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822 or to Bristol Hospice Hawaii, 55 Merchant St. STE 2900, Honolulu, Hi 96813.
Arrangements Provided By: Oahu Mortuary