JOHN RICHARD FIUSTAge 80, passed away peacefully at 15 Craigside on April 15, 2022. He was born in Syracuse, New York on October 10, 1941, and grew up in the central New York area. He attended Syracuse University and graduated in 1963. He joined the Navy and served as a destroyer officer during the Vietnam war. John had duty assignments in Japan, Vietnam and Pearl Harbor. After being discharged from the Navy he attended Syracuse University and obtained his Master's Degree in Business Administration. After he graduated he packed up his car with his few belongings and drove to San Francisco where he shipped his car on Matson to Hawaii and flew to Oahu without a job in 1968. Within a month, he was working as a financial analyst at Dole Pineapple Co. He was a certified public accountant and spent most of his career as an auditor at various state and federal government agencies.
He is survived by his wife, Francine Fiust and his sons Richard Fiust of California and Thomas Fiust of Honolulu. He is also survived by his grandson, Oliver Fiust, his brother, Richard (Suzanne) Fiust, nephew Daniel (Stephanie) Fiust and nieces Jennifer (Mark) Lipscomb and Holly (Kevin) Cuneo. John was preceded in death by his brother, Thomas S. Fiust.
John was a very affectionate man who saw to the needs of his family and friends. He was the wind beneath my wings and he shall be terribly missed.
Private services. Arrangements Provided By: Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary LLC
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