Don was dedicated to his craft and illustrious in every venture he undertook. He spent the second half of his life performing, directing, and teaching in Honolulu; his first major appearance in the Hawai'i theatre world at Honolulu Community Theatre (now DHT) in the 1981 production of Chapter Two. Don's career would eventually include leading roles in The Gin Game, Death of a Salesman (HPU), and Angels in America (MVT). He directed the musical, Mr. President (ACT), had multiple TV roles in Hawai'i Five-O, Magnum P.I., and others, and movie roles such as Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. A dedicated member of SAG-AFTRA, Don served as the second president of the Hawai'i branch from '87-'90 and remained active in the union through committee work and community outreach. He was a volunteer nonpareil working with Alzheimer patients, AIDS patients, and as a caregiver at St. Francis Hospice.
Actors and audience members alike will miss, not only Don, the stage actor, but also Don, our bonafide – and "always with a joke ready" – friend. Though he did not have a "sensational" career, it was the career he wanted; he was 'the best of the rest', he said: "I am the Pontiac to Dusty's Cadillac", and he has a bevy of dear, 'old-timer' friends who mourn his loss.
Don is survived by friends too many to list (they'd all want top billing); two nephews, Don Pomes and Mark Pomes; his niece Lynn (Bob) Haynes, and cousins. He is also survived by his beloved hanai family, Mr. and Mrs. An Duong and their daughters Riona and Alina.
A memorial service will be held in the near future and you may send donations in Don's name to any of the above mentioned
local care or theatre organizations.