Karin, known for her beauty, grace, and warm personality, lived in Hawai'i for over 50 years. There, she was dedicated to several charities, including as a founding member of Ulu La'au, the Waimea Nature Park and a generous friend and patron of the arts.
Karin's career as an Interior Designer, ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) allowed her to practice her craft all across the United States. She also studied Fashion Design at Cooper Union and was already designing clothes in New York City at the age of 20.
As the wife of Author Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, she was his editor and his historical consultant for the movie and the musical about his war time resistance named "Soldaat van Oranje" (Soldier of Orange), which still plays today in The Netherlands now celebrating its 12th Anniversary.
Karin was the only child of Karin Johansson from Halmstad, Skåne, Sweden and Father René Steensma from Franeker, in Friesland, The Netherlands.
Karin is survived by her daughter Karna Hazelhoff Roelfzema- Castellón, son-in-law Maurice Castellón, granddaughter Meadow Melelani Hazelhoff Roelfzema, and 2 great grandchildren, Seibren Erik and Jake.