Helen Etsuko TamashiroPassed away peacefully at her home on April 03, 2022. She was born on Oahu, January 27 1931, and lived an abundant life with her family and friends. During her early career, she was a professional singer and entertainer. She dedicated part of her time in the clothing retail for the Watamull's Bros, Carol & Mary and retired from Duty Free. She had an amazing amount of energy and a witty sense of humor. Her beauty ran skin deep and her loving presence remains with us.
She is survived by daughters, Miki-Ann Haughland, Diane F. Reeves and Teri T. Uehara. Grand- children: Keala Tamashiro, Joel Conception, Shayna De Cambra, Skyler Uehara. Great-Grandchidren: Elise Tamashiro, Tori Conception, Joey Conception, Tayzha Lee, Tyrah Hyunh, Randy De Cambra JR, Tayah De Cambra. Services and burial were held private.
Arrangements Provided By: Oahu Mortuary
Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased