Loretta K.H. "Macky" Mactagone
LORETTA K.H. MACKY MACTAGONE Age 82, of Pearl City, HI, passed away January 18, 2015 in Pearl City. Born August 13, 1932 in Honolulu, HI. She retired after 25 years from the Sheraton Waikiki Ocean Terrace. She is survived by daughters, Alberta "Berta" V. Kam, Alva "Bonnie" (Edwin) Mactagone Bolos; son, Alroy "Bimbo" (Le Ane) Mactagone; brothers, Gerald Y.K. Wong, Lowell Y.M. (Merle) Wong; 12 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren. Visitation 9:30 a.m. Saturday (Mar 7) at Mililani Mortuary Mauka Chapel; funeral service 11:00 a.m.; burial to follow 12:30 p.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Aloha attire. Flowers welcome.
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