Mary Jeanne Spillman94, of Honolulu, passed away March 12, 2019, after a brief illness. Jeanne, as she was fondly known by, is survived by her 3 daughters, 4 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband and son, both Frank Spillman. After Jeanne graduated from Wyandotte High School in Kansas, she moved to Washington DC to work for the Navy Dept promoting women to take government jobs during World War 2. She met her husband to be at a publicity photo shoot at Annapolis Naval Academy. Her many accomplishments included troop leader for the first integrated Girl Scout troop in Va, original oil painter, accomplished self taught organist, gourmet dessert baker, and VP of Kona Kai Realty. In her 80's, she swam with the "Mermaids" at the local Y, and was an avid supporter of the UH women's volleyball team. Her kindness, beauty, unforgettable smile, lilting voice, and dry sense of humor will be forever deeply missed. She has joined her husband @ the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.
Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased