Noreen Aloma Keala Iopa Hiram KeahiolaloAge 75, of Waimanalo, passed away March 25, 2019. She was born in Honolulu on March 6, 1944, the only child of George Kealoha Iopa and Evangeline Keala Ellis, and was raised by and acknowledged William Edmund Hiram as her father. Noreen was predeceased by her husband, Harvey Ahia Keahiolalo. Survived by children, Keola (Joey) Keahiolalo, Kawai Miller Keahiolalo, Kimela Keahiolalo and Sherrie Estabilio; grandchildren, Kana'i (Kendra) Keahiolalo, Caitlynn (Brandon) Knull, Briana, Evan and Emma Keahiolalo; brother, Lambert Hiram; sisters, Evanitta Crowe, Velma Iopa Warfield; hanai sister, Karla Paiva; many other hanai sons and daughters, nieces and nephews. Services will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019, at the Olomana Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (41-972 Oluolu Street, Waimanalo). Visitation 8:00-10:00 a.m. Service 10:30 a.m. with a luncheon to follow. Burial 3:00 p.m. at Valley of the Temples Memorial Park. Arrangements Provided By: Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary
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