Arthur Enoka Aoki, Sr.Our beloved Arthur Enoka Aoki Sr, went heaven bound, surrounded by his wife, children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, and many loved ones on March 5, 2019. Age 91, Born on February 6, 1928, to Ernest Say and Libby Nawahine Kaaihua in Honolulu. He was raised in the family home in the Palama Settlement area - Pua Lane, by his 7 older sisters when he lost his mother at an early age of 2. He survived a life of hardship to become an educated, well-respected, and successful man. He retired from the U.S. Federal Government after 42 Civilian Years of Service. At age 11, he professed his faith and love in Jesus Christ, witnessed miracles and testimonies, and found his purpose in life fellowshipping at the Gospel of Salvation Church. He humbly served as the Senior Pastor winning souls through the Power of God's words. He loved the Lord and demonstrated the living word through his life experiences. He leaves a legacy of love (of Jesus Christ), of family, and of people. He was a devoted husband, married to his one and only love, Winona Keonaona Kalahiki for 70 years. They were blessed with seven children; Sharon, Pauline "Ululani" (deceased), Arthur Jr. (Kaleinani), Haven Kalahiki, Collette Stanley (Emmanuel - deceased), Corinthia (Gabby) Lucas, and Erleen. He was a father, mentor, and provider to many family members and friends at the Grand Central Station located at the Pauoa family residence. Tutu-Papa's pride and joy were his grandchildren, Makaniokealoha (Tracy), Kealaonapualani, Waiokeola (Michelle), Kukuiokuupuuwai (Aukai), Enoka (Heather), Kaulana (Hinano), Lahela (Kenese), Keonaona (Landen), and Kawailani. He found endless joy in caring for his grandchildren, always there to give them words of encouragement. Papa's love extended well beyond his grandchildren, to their many friends and loved ones. Tutu-Papa nui beemed with happiness tending to his great-grandchildren, Maia, Kezia, Ka'ena, Kemuel, Halena, Ne'emia, Kahiau, Vailelei, Maximos, Va'amanu, Keleiah, Kamaha'o, Pa'akai, Aiko Ho'onani, and Na'alehu. He cherished the time he spent with his great-grandchildren, his heart was so full of love it overflowed to many great grand nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by siblings - Elsie Raymond, Ellen Loo, Dear Kuwaye, Katherine Soares, Momi McKee, Molly Lindsay, Darling Makalii (sisters), Harold and George Aoki (brothers) Celebration Services will be held on Friday, April 26, 2019, visitation at 5:30 pm followed by service at 6:30 pm. Saturday, April 27, 2019, visitation at 10:00 am followed by service at 11:00 am at the Valley of the Temple, burial services to follow at 2:00 pm. Arrangements Provided By: Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary
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