JAMES FRANKLIN UPCHURCH James "Jimmy" Franklin Upchurch died on March 25, 2021. He was born in Honolulu on March 9, 1939 to Wright Allen and Mary Saya Upchurch. He graduated from Roosevelt High School, class of 1957. Jimmy was a fireman in the Merchant Marines, a job he loved that took him around the world twice. During the Vietnam War, Jimmy made runs up the Saigon River on the Merchant Marine ship "Central Victory" bringing supplies to our military. His survivors include his wife Aileen; sons Darren (Johanna), and Robert; daughter Be-Jay (Gregg) Kodama and grandchildren, Trey and Haley Kodama. He is also survived by his sisters Caroline (Henry) St. Germaine and Roberta Kalilikane; sister-in-law Margaret Upchurch and his first wife Blanche Upchurch. Jimmy was predeceased by his older brother Wright E. "Buddy" Upchurch.
Private services by Diamond Head Mortuary.
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