To all, Gladys was the kindest, sweetest, and most caring lady - one with a heart of gold. Her warm smile, witty sense of humor, and selfless acts of love are dearly missed by her family and friends. She is predeceased by son, Dr. Stephen Wee (in 2011), and survived by two sons, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Her loving brother, Allen Mau, has joined her in heaven as of September 1, 2020.
The family expresses its gratitude to each individual who took such amazing care of Gladys - especially the nurses and team at Arcadia as well as the medical personnel at Queen's Hospital. Most of all, the family thanks everyone for their kind words, support, and encouragement over the past several months.
A memorial service will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at Oahu Cemetery. Visitation begins at 9:00 am and the service will commence at 9:45 am. For those who wish attend in-person or join us virtually, please reach out to Gladys' granddaughter, Alyson Wee, at celebratinggladys@gmail.com for further details and/or the Zoom link.
Arrangements Provided By: Oahu Mortuary