Justin's celebration of life took place on Sunday, 10/24/21, United Nations' UN Day via zoom to honor the international nature of his work as a study abroad advisor for over 25 years with Eastern Michigan University, the University of Colorado Boulder, among others, as well as his most recent work over the past decade with the Dean's Office at Shidler College of Business at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. His celebration of life was recorded and is available for loved ones to view on a private YouTube channel.
Justin is survived by his best friend/co-parent, Lani Kwon, and his son, Noa Meilgaard. He is also survived by family in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and England. Donations to his memorial fund can be sent via Venmo or by check; please email copowerment@icloud.com. Attention: Justin C. Meilgaard Memorial fund. To everyone who has already contributed in many ways: financial, spiritual, emotional, practical and other aloha, thank you so much.