Ella Mala Deanna GomesAge 78, peacefully passed away surrounded by family on April 9, 2017 at Castle Hospital. She was born on Jan. 24, 1939 at Kapiolani Maternity Hospital, Honolulu, T.H. She retired from Kailua's Holiday Mart where she made many lifelong friends. She is survived by her loving husband of 61 years, William Gomes; Son, Dean Gomes (Jina), daughters, Zandra Boskie and Jeannine Billand. Grandsons, Dominic, Sean and Dean Jr. Her brothers Eugene (Sonny) Paiva, Albert (Buddy) Paiva (Yvonne) Alexander Paiva (deceased) and George Paiva (Cheryl), sister Irene Faust of Alaska. Visitation on May 1 and service at Mililani Mortuary 20 S. Kukui St. Hono, 9:00 family, 9:30 public. Service 10:30. Burial at Mililani Park Cemetery on Mililani Cemetery Rd.
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