Susan K. S. JongAge 89, of Honolulu, passed away Sunday, April 16, 2017. She was born in Canton, China on October 20, 1927. She is survived by husband Monroe, sister Winnie Lee, sons Leighton, Lincoln, Lambert Jong, daughter Lori Toda, and 11 grandchildren. Susan was preceded in death by her daughter Lisa. She graduated from Maryknoll High School and the University of Hawaii. She was the former owner-operator of the Waikiki Prince Hotel. Susan's life will be celebrated on Thursday May 4, 2017 at Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary. Visitation starts at 5pm with services at 6pm. In lieu of gifts or flowers, the family requests that contributions to the United Church of Christ be considered. Arrangements Provided By: NUUANU MEMORIAL PARK & MORTUARY LLC
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